JavaScript Reduce method.

JavaScript Reduce method.

Reduce is a higher-order JavaScript function which executes reducer method provided to it on an array & unlike map or filter function it returns single value & not an array. Reduce takes the reducer function iterates over the array & performs reducer function for every array element.


array.reduce(reducerFun(acc, curr, currIndex, arr), initialValue)

  • array - It is the actual array on which reduce will be performed.

  • acc (required)- stores the return value from previous call of reducer function. initialised with initialValue provided to reduce along with reducer function

  • curr (required)- is the current element on array.

  • currIndex (optional)- is the index of curr element.

  • arr (optional)- is the actual array on which reduce is performed.


Sum of elements in an array-

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
arr.reduce((acc, curr)=> {
    sum = acc + curr
    return sum


As shown in above example function inside reduce will be performed for every array element the acc will be zero for first iteration as we have provided reduce with 0 initial value & then after every function call we are returning sum which is nothing but sum of old numbers & current number that is getting stored in acc.

Biggest no in an array

const arr = [1, 7, 3, 8, 4]
arr.reduce((acc, curr)=> curr > acc? curr : acc,0)


In above example acc is initialised with 0 & every time acc is compared with curr value & if curr value is greater than acc it is getting stored at accumulator at the end we are getting greatest element in an array.

Age greater than 18

const arr = [
    {firstName: 'Narendra', LastName: 'Modi', Age: 16},
    {firstName: 'Joseph', LastName: 'Biden', Age: 28},
    {firstName: 'Vladimir', LastName: 'Putin', Age: 30},
    {firstName: 'Xi', LastName: 'Jinping', Age: 13},
    {firstName: 'Naftali', LastName: 'bennet', Age: 28}
arr.reduce((acc,curr) => {
    curr.Age > 18 ? acc.push(curr.firstName): null; 
    return acc
}, [])

//[ 'Joseph', 'Vladimir', 'Naftali' ]

In above reduce we have initialised acc with an empty array as shown & appending first names of the objects whose Age > 18. Hence, our final result have firstNames of objects having age greater than 18.

End Note: Thank You for reading. If you have any suggestion or query please feel free to comment below. Good Day! Happy Coding!!!